

Lake Babine Nation Administration Department is all LBN Staff and as administration we are all responsible for delivery of services available to our Nation. Administration is all departments and this includes, Health; Social Development; Economic Development; Education; Employment & Training; Justice, Child and Family; Natural Resources; Housing & Infrastructure; Finance; and Membership.

The Lake Babine Nation Chief Operation Officer is Bernard Patrick, Bernard oversees all managers and reports to Chief Executive Officer Monty Palmantier and Council on matters pertaining to the political governance of the Nation. Bernard along with the Chief Finance Officer, Managers, Chief and Council are responsible for pursuing and proper distribution of all Funding for the Nation.

Please visit our department pages of this website to get more information of services available.


The Lake Babine Nation honors the past, present and future. The vision will be achieved by their members for their members. We see a nation where we have:

  • Sustainable environmental stewardship
  • Education system providing lifelong learning that results in members contributing to the nation
  • Celebrate our cultural identity and uniqueness
  • Healthy lifestyle with a positive atmosphere
  • Effective accountable and transparent government
  • Self sufficiency through economic development
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