

Summary of Lands Vision

Lake Babine’s Aboriginal title is recognized, protected in law, and implemented. Lake Babine Nation enjoys a strengthened cultural and spiritual relationship with its lands, waters and other resources and stewards them for the benefit of its future generations.  Lake Babine manages natural resource development on its lands and benefits economically from resource activities.


Lands Milestones and Key Steps

  • BC transfers 20,000 hectares of Crown land in core LBN Territory to Lake Babine Nation.
  • Lands will transfer to Lake Babine as private lands. However, LBN, BC and Canada will be negotiating how to bring Lake Babine’s Aboriginal title into effect. Thus, in a few years, these lands will likely be formally recognized by BC and Canada as the Nation’s Aboriginal title lands.
  • Lake Babine conducts research to identify its Aboriginal title lands and negotiates with BC and Canada for the return of these lands.
  • Lake Babine, BC and Canada confirm the nature of Lake Babine’s Aboriginal title right in an agreement. Lake Babine implements its Aboriginal title at the same time or shortly after the implementing its new Government under the Governance Milestones.
  • Lake Babine and BC give key geographical features in the Lake Babine Territory Nat’oo’ten place names.
  • Lake Babine and BC negotiate an agreement on new land and resource protection measures in the Territory to better protect areas of high environmental or cultural value.