Child and Family
Summary of Child and Family Vision 
Healthy and vibrant Lake Babine Nation (LBN) children and families with deep connections to culture, language, and community. All LBN children are cared for by LBN families and no children are ever removed from LBN.
The goal is for LBN families to be continually supported with education on parenting, cultural immersion opportunities, health services and enough financial support to meet their children’s needs wherever they live.
LBN will also offer children who are currently in care with non-LBN families opportunities to develop their LBN identity and sense of belonging to the Nation through culture camps and other programs.
In the short-term, LBN will work towards this Vision by improving programs and services. However, the end goal is for LBN to take back its inherent jurisdiction over children and families and have its own Child and Family services organization that administers Lake Babine’s own child and family laws, programs and services.
LBN could pay partners to deliver some programs and services (especially in urban centres), but LBN will be in charge, not BC or Carrier Sekani Family Services.
Summary of Child and Family Milestones and Key Steps
The short-term work is to improve Child and Family programs and services in the Communities and in urban centres. LBN’s Child and Family Advisory Team is working to identify the biggest gaps and problems with existing programs and services.
This Team will bring its recommendations for priority short-term program and service improvements to the LBN/BC/Canada Child and Family Working Group (“Working Group”), which is already up and running.
The Working Group will identify funding sources and negotiate additional funding to implement the recommendations. LBN has invited Carrier Sekani Family Services to help with this short-term work.
The Child and Family Advisory Team will also lead longer-term work to develop
- Lake Babine Well-being Vision and Principles: these will guide development of Lake Babine’s strategies, programs and services for Child and Family and all other Social topic areas
- The Lake Babine Child and Family Well-being Strategy: identify the outcomes that Lake Babine wants to achieve and the laws, programs and services required to reach those outcomes
- Lake Babine Child and Family Services Model, including a Lake Babine Child and Family Services Organization, to deliver programs and services
The Advisory Team will carry out the above work in consultation with members (including urban members). A project lead, researchers, LBN’s external child and family advisor, and the Child and Family Working Group will all support this work.
Once LBN has the strategy and model in place, it will secure the financing and external partners needed to put in place its own Child and Family Services Organization under the new laws and policies determined by the Nation. LBN, BC, and Canada will work together to make this transition to Lake Babine jurisdiction smooth.
Meet Our Child and Family Advisory Team
- Doreen Williams (Fort Babine)
- Margie Alec (Old Fort)
- Daisy Charlie (Tachet)
- Ronnie West (Donalds/Pinkut)
- Richard Williams (Woyenne)
- Brianna Michell (Youth On-Reserve)
- Stephanie Tom (Youth Urban)
- Mildred George (Urban)
- Emma Palmantier (LBN Health Director)
- Councillor Murphy Abraham (LBN Chief and Council)
- Councillor Cheyene Dennis (LBN Chief and Council)